Dynamic Link, Library, Import and Export

Everything in the world is dynamically linked, not just dlls that export functions. A dll written in c, a dll written in go, a dll written in rust, these are not important.

There are no absolute static links in the world, but there are absolute dynamic links. Dynamic links connect the entire world.

Consciousness arises from more and faster dynamic links.

Every aspect of knowledge, skills, execution, human resources, management systems, and market competition, every small link is dynamically linked.

An aimless person becomes a dll that follows the export function format you specified, which is the program you want to write today.

Look, we are writing programs all the time. Are programs code? Obviously not, it is a magical power.

Import him tonight, export him tomorrow, and let him to work.

The amount of wealth determines the breadth and depth of dynamic links you can have. But it can't change the dynamic links of your body's cells, which is really sad.

Everything around you is dll, but we must have the courage to make exe. Although, exe is also a type of dll. Individual exes are within the larger exe of society. In windows, there are many exes and dlls in the windows directory.

Yes, it's all the same, there is no need to write a special computer program.

Money is the value generated during this dynamic linking process.

A junior high school student can earn that, even though he doesn’t understand that he is brave enough to perform dynamic linking. But, he did it, so he made that money. However, he will never write a dll.

This is why we are gods and aliens.